

Over 12Contians anxiety 90 minutes 2019 8.0

In this acclaimed and unusual documentary, which is Northern Macedonia's Oscars nomination 2020, we get to follow the last woman in Europe who collects wild honey. In the northern Macedonian countryside, Hatidze lives, she is one of the last in her oblique and manages her bee colonies with both reverence and respect. We get to follow her important work as she takes care of the animals that are so important to our ecosystem. But Hatidze and the bee’s conditions change when they get new neighbours.

The film is not playable outside of Finland
Category: Documentary
Genre: Nature, society, education, documentary, drama
Director: Tamara Kotevska, Ljubomir Stefanov
Starring: Hatidze Muratova, Nazife Muratova, Hussein Sam
Rights owner: Nonstop
Country: North Macedonia
Language: Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Macedonian