

Allowed to all 98 minutes 2018 7.6

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933 - 2020), US Supreme Court judge, has become a symbol of the struggle for equality and rights for women and minorities during her long career in the legal system. She is praised and loved by the Democrats but mocked and detested by the Republicans. In recent years, the now 85-year-old woman has unexpectedly gained status as a popular cultural icon. Her face pops up on everything from clothes and mugs to tattoos, and her fans call her Notorious R.B.G, after the rapper Notorious B.I.G. RBG is a film about her life, from being met with skepticism as a woman in Harvard Law school in the 1950s to her present-day hero status as the oldest member of the Supreme Court.   

The film is not playable outside of Finland
Category: Documentary
Genre: Biography, political, society
Director: Julie Cohen, Betsy West
Starring: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bill Clinton, Sharron Frontiero
Rights owner: Nonstop
Country: USA
Language: English